The Dunmow Decluttering Swift Sort - Inspiration for a quick declutter and organise!
In today's post I'm taking a look at medicines and first aid supplies.
Set a timer for 20 minutes and clear a space at a table or worktop.
Check in each room of your home, inside drawers and cupboards and find all of your medicine and first aid supplies. Bring them all together in one space.
Check each individual item carefully - is it in date, is it necessary, is it a duplicate? Set aside unused or unwanted medicines for safe disposal.
Once you've sorted through each of the items, think about whether you need to stock up on any items - different medications are used in different seasons and what you might need in Spring, may not be what you needed in winter. Try to think ahead a couple of months and look at what supplies you may need.
If your medication isn't needed on a daily basis, consider having a secure first aid container to keep everything together and easily accessible, particularly in an emergency.
Once the supplies have been organised, try to set aside just a few minutes each month to review your supplies, safely dispose of old ones if necessary and plan ahead for what may be needed.
Happy Organising!
Dunmow Decluttering
Essex Professional Organiser