The Dunmow Decluttering Swift Sort - Inspiration for a quick declutter and organise!

Today I'm looking at the various manuals ad guides that accumulate from different household appliances, electronics and equipment.
Set a timer for 20 minutes and clear a flat surface with enough room to gather and sort.
Take some time to check around different areas of the house, collecting all of the guides and manuals for the various electronics, appliances and equipment in your home. Now work through each item in turn.
First check if it's still needed. Do you still have the item? If not, you probably don't need the manual. Do you still use the item? If you don't use it, consider if you need to keep the manual and then consider if you might want to declutter the unused item as well.
Next, check if there is an online version that you would be happy to use rather than a physical copy. With any manuals or guides that remain, consider arranging them together by room, e.g. all kitchen ones together and all garage ones together. Once this is complete, find a single home for all of them - a dedicated drawer or file - so you know where to get hold of one when its needed.
Once you've completed the declutter, whenever you come across a stray manual or buy a new piece of equipment with a manual, if you decide to keep the physical copy, try to ensure it goes straight to the dedicated space you made.
Happy Organising!
Dunmow Decluttering
Essex Professional Organiser